How our homes are being physically & emotionally re evaluated under the shadow of COVID-19

5 Jun 2020

What lockdown could mean for our lives at home, during C 19, and beyond…

In many ways, our homes have become our entire worlds through lockdown, and as our horizons shrank through quarantine and lockdown, we’ve been forced to reassess how to continue living in a much smaller domain.

Lockdown may be easing for many around the world and we’re finally getting an indication of the adapted  behaviours and attitudes that may stick for the foreseeable future. Tech giants talk of the success of working from home and even suggest now doing it ‘forever’. As we brace ourselves for ‘the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression’, we are likely to also be spending less on going out and spending more time in the home, even after the spread of COVID 19 has significantly slowed.

To explore this, we at have analysed the online conversations around how people are re evaluating their homes. We’ve put blogs, magazines, and social media, all discussing the shifting needs and uses of the home, into our platform.

What has surfaced are insightful snapshots of how people are physically transforming and restructuring where they live, and how emotionally, we are recovering our sense of what we want this most intimate space to mean to us and the people we share it with.

We found that life at home during lockdown (and beyond), is all about:

- Fighting the Blur

- The Surprise Guest

- Keeping the Spark Alive

- Fortifying the Ramparts

- Occasions to Decompress

As a brand, how can you support people to navigate the new contradictions, confusion and needs of these  mutating abodes?

Click here  to read the report in full.


We are listening to the conversations happening at this moment, and gaining insight as to how the home is being re evaluated both physically and emotionally.

As a brand, you have a chance to support people and help them to recover, regain, strengthen and sustain the
space that is dearest to us, that we share with the people closest to us.

Written by Sophie Henson & Tarek Chaudhury

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